Session 1: Dec 30- Jan 2 Session 2: Jan 17-20
Since 1978 BreakThru has been reaching students for Christ in a dynamic and exciting way! This year we move into our 47th year of watching God change lives. Over 30,000 students have experienced BreakThru over the years, and this may be the best one yet!
This year our theme is: TRUTH. Check back for more details this fall.
Over the course of 2 sessions more than 800 students will experience dynamic outdoor recreation, “Late Night’s”, phenomenal worship, and riveting speakers and teachers with the sole purpose of presenting the gospel fo Christ. BT 2024 will offer a dynamic encounter with the Living God!! Over the 2 sessions God transforms hearts and lives, and students begin their lifetime journey with Jesus. It’s hard to describe in words, you just have to experience BreakThru for yourself!
The BreakThru experience offers the chance to encounter God in many ways every day. Each day at BreakThru students met with their Small Group leader to discuss what they were learning and how God was speaking to them personally. In those unique moments we see God doing “immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine”. Students surrender their lives to Christ, open up about the struggles and difficulties of growing up in today’s culture, and find answers in the life giving hope of Jesus Christ. Watching students discover a passion for Jesus is absolutely amazing. We are committed to reaching this generation for Christ!!!

Every year God moves in incredible ways with students giving their life to Christ for the first time and making big next steps in their faith walk with Him. Since it’s first retreat in 1978, over 35,000 students have been reached through the BreakThru Student Retreat! It is a blessing to spend these days with a generation of students who are already impacting the world around them for Christ. Planning for BreakThru 2019 is in full swing!!!
With a strong desire for students to have a true encounter with the living God, BreakThru Ministries has designed the optimal four-day retreat experience. Now held at Timber Creek Camp, this retreat has helped foster growth in student’s Christian walk for 41 years!
Cutting edge outdoor recreation, “Late Night’s”, phenomenal worship, and riveting speakers all make up the essence of the BreakThru Student Retreats. However, it is the small group element that really makes BreakThru a significant spiritual experience. During the course of the event students will spend significant time talking and sharing in their small groups of 8-10 people with their leader. It is in these moments we see God do “immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine”. BreakThru is about seeing lives changed by the gospel.
After programming student retreats for 43 years, BreakThru knows how to introduce teenagers to Christ in an exciting atmosphere!
Over the years, students have attended these retreats and have gone on to be strong men and women for Christ in virtually every area of life including ministry and missions.
Timber Creek provides the perfect setting for students from across the Southeast hear the saving message of Jesus Christ. Calling young men and women into a relationship with Jesus has been a critical emphasis off the ministry since 1978, and God continues to call us forward in this programming area.
If you are a YOUTH MINISTER and are interested in the BreakThru Student Retreat – Contact David Cooke at 601.536.2125 or for more details.